Welcome to Yoga Club

Join us in Mighty Network

Why Join Yoga Club?

There is a difference between Yoga and the Yoga Industry. We gather here to deepen our personal practice and maintain integrity in our teaching. We're honoring the yoga tradition while challenging the harmful narratives that surround it.  Join us to learn Vedic chant, study the Yoga Sūtras, or simply connect with others on the path.

"Yoga Is Relationship" TKV Desikachar

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways yoga makes a huge difference in your life, divesting from the Teacher Training models and incorporating the entirety of the yoga path, not just āsana.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Return Yoga Community:

  • You'll be able to deepen your personal yoga practice by connecting with Karin, the community as a whole, or individual folks from class.  Join a Vedic chant class, a philosophy course, or simply connect with peers.  Mighty Networks offers the gifts of social media without all the toxic noise.
  • Engage with a supportive network of yoga teachers.  Teaching is hard.  Don't do it alone.
  • Challenge and reshape harmful narratives in the yoga/wellness industry alongside like-minded individuals.